Monday, January 15, 2007

Stephen M. has a new neighbor!

The ALAs Washington office has just announced that they've moved into Cybrary City in Second Life!

While there are other libraries participating in this online world, it's noteworthy that this ALA office which "was established in 1945 as a conduit between ALA members and federal legislators on Capitol Hill" is using Second Life to direct users to their podcasts and blog which deal with copyright issues and library legislation.

Who knew you could learn about important issues in such a fun setting?

Thanks, Michael/Stephen M.


Kristen said...

That's amazing! I wonder if ALA will set up their own building?

childlib1 said...

Do you really think that Federal legislators will go to Cybrary City? Somehow I can't quite see it. Second Life seems more like a game than a place where you go to get really important information.

claudia said...

I'm not sure legislators will actively participate in Second Life, but the fact that the ALA DC office participates may make lawmakers aware of the kinds of technology library users (and their constituents)use and want. Legislators' awareness can help in future funding discussions.